ICSE is India's one of the most exceptional educational board. It aims to provide the best education to students across the country. Therefore, the study material for ICSE Class 7 students is strategically designed in order to help them learn efficiently. In this article, we have curated the detailed syllabus for the students, which will help them ace the ICSE Class 7 examinations when added to the study materials.
ICSE Class 7: Subjects
ICSE Class 7 mandatory subjects are:
Social Science
Computer Studies
Art Education
Two languages
Out of two language subjects, one is English, and the other language subject must be chosen from Hindi, Sanskrit, Urdu or any other official regional or foreign language.
ICSE Class 7: Syllabus & Study Material for 2023-24
With good syllabus knowledge, students can prepare better, which will help them understand the question pattern easily. All subjects are of utmost importance. So, if students aspire to score high marks, they must be well acquainted with the syllabus.
ICSE Class 7 Syllabus
Number System
Ratio and Proportion
Data Handling
Physical Quantities and Measurement
Force and Pressure: Motion
Light Energy
Electricity and Magnetism
Matter and its Composition
Physical and Chemical Changes
Elements, Compounds and Mixtures (experimental techniques)
Atomic Structure
Language of Chemistry
Metals and Non-Metals
Air and Atmosphere
Kingdom Classification
Plant Life
Human Body
Health and Hygiene
Social Science
The Medieval World
Medieval Europe – Rise and Spread of Christianity
Rise and Spread of Islam
The Delhi Sultanate
The Vijayanagar and Bahamani Kingdoms
The Mughal Empire
Making of Composite Culture
The Constitution of India
Directive Principles of State Policy
Representative of Geographical Features
Weather and Climate
Weathering and Soil Formation
Energy and Power Resources
Study of Continents: Europe, Africa, Australia, Antarctica
Listening and Speaking
Circle time
Picture/ photograph description, etc.
Story narration
Roleplay, dramatisation, mime
Elocution/ Recitation - Singly and in a group
Intra-class debates
Group discussions on specified topics.
A dramatisation of poems/prose
Music- to be used to teach poetry, speech and drama
Language Games - Word building, Pictionary, dumb charades, Guess the word etc.
Build and use a class library
Puzzles and crosswords, Scrabble Project presentations (oral)
Recording a process (How I taught someone to cook/read/ cycle/ swim, etc.)
Maintaining a diary/journal/ log book
Book Talk, book review (Literature)
Film review
Restaurant review
Illustrations of characters from the text (Literature)
Comprehension - Seen text (Literature) and Unseen text.
Comprehension of poems-seen (Literature) and unseen.
Music is to be used as a stimulus for aural comprehension.
Comprehension/ literature questions must allow scope for (i) inference and (ii) personal response. Dissenting voices must be encouraged.
Spell Check
Word search
Spot the differences, unscramble the scrambled words
Mind mapping
Word Games
Contributions to School magazine/ Newsletter/Soft boards / Newspaper
Vocabulary and Grammar in Context
Grammar activities in the context
Worksheets to consolidate grammatical concepts in context.
Use of the internet as a resource
Creative Writing
Letters: Topics for letters should be within the range of children's experiences (for example, letters to parents, friends, relatives, neighbor's etc.)
English Literature
Novels by Gerard Durrell
Malgudi Days - R.K. Narayan
I am Malala – Malala Yousafzai
Detective stories – Agatha Christie
The Lost World – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Happy Prince and Other Tales – Oscar Wilde
Animal Farm – George Orwell
Tuck Everlasting – Natalie Babbit
Short Stories (O' Henry or Saki or Leo Tolstoy or Rudyard Kipling or Guy De Maupassant or Mark Twain or Oscar Wilde or Jorge Luis Borges or William Faulkner or Anton Chekhov or Edgar Allen Poe or Franz Kafka or Earnest Hemingway or Flannery O'Connor or James Joyce or Ray Bradbury or Roald Dhal or Nicolai Gogol and Translations from Indian writers like Tagore, Premchand etc.)
Something Out of nothing
Marie Curie and Radium – Carl Killough
Ignited minds – APJ Kalam
Graphic Novels: Tin Tin Series/ Asterix series
सुनना और बोलना
पी०पी०टी० या वीडियो द्वारा प्रस्तुत सामग्री
सूचनाएँ, जानकारियाँ
विभिन्न संदर्भों, सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक, ऐतिहासिक, राजनीतिक आदि में भाषा की समझ और विश्लेषण
समाचार-पत्र, टी०वी०, विज्ञापन आदि की भाषा
विभिन्न संदर्भों, जैसे- भाषण, वाद-विवाद आदि में प्रयुक्त भाषा
मल्टीमीडिया का प्रयोग करते समय विभिन्न अंगों का दृश्य सामग्री में प्रस्तुति
आदिवासी जीवन
किसी वैज्ञानिक का जीवन
किसी खिलाड़ी का जीवन
साहित्यकार का जीवन
पढ़ना एवं लिखना(पठन एवं लेखन कौशल)विविध प्रकार के प्रश्न
पाठ्य सामग्री के केंद्रीय-भाव का अनुमान
काव्य रचना की समझ और भाव-ग्रहण
संदर्भ के अनुरूप शब्द, मुहावरे और पदबंध
पाठ्य-सामग्री को टुकड़ों में बाँटकर अपनी समझ का संवर्द्धन
वास्तविक, काल्पनिक अनुभव
विभिन्न प्रिंट एवं डिजिटल माध्यमों से प्राप्त उपयुक्त जानकारी
व्यंग्यात्मक, विचारात्मक, भावात्मक आदि भाषा शैलियों के उदाहरण
कहानी, एकांकी, कविता, लेख, निबंध आदि का पठन एवं लेखन
व्याकरण और भाषा
वर्ण विचार
भाषा विचार
शब्द विचार प्रत्यय उपसर्ग
लिंग, वचन, कारक, संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, विशेषण, क्रिया, काल तथा उनके भेद
वाक्य भेद - अर्थ के आधार पर
विराम चिह्न
'की' और 'कि', 'रि' और
'ऋ' का अंतर
शब्द भंडार विलोम,
पर्यायवाची, अनेक के लिए एक शब्द, समरूपी भिन्नार्थक शब्द. अनेकार्थी शब्द शब्द,
सामान्य मुहावरे
रोचक अपठित गद्यांश / पद्यांश (स्तारानुकूल)
पत्र लेखन - औपचारिक और
Computer Studies
Computer – Hardware Components
Number System – An Introduction
Computer Virus
Ethics and Safety Measures in Computing
Spreadsheets – An Introduction
Database and DBMS – An Introduction
HTML – Advanced Features
Art Education
Tools and Techniques
Art vocabulary
Art Appreciation or Responding to Artefacts and Nature
ICSE Class 7 Study Plan to Maximise Score in the 2024 Exam
Consider these 5 points to obtain good marks in your upcoming exam:
It would be best if you had a good study plan to get good grades in exams.
Know your strengths and weaknesses to prepare accordingly.
Practice Numerical exercises as much as possible.
Study every day to avoid getting too much pressure during the exam.
Be bold and ask your teachers or elders if you are unsure about something.
List of Future Exams after Class 7:
Students in class 7 can enhance their academic skills by participating in several school-level competitive examinations. In addition, they can also represent their school at the national and international levels. Given below is a list of some competitive exams.
Class 7 International Science Olympiad (ISO)
Class 7 International Computer Olympiad (ICO)
Class 7 International Drawing Olympiad (IDO)
Class 7 National Social Studies Olympiad (NSSO)
Class 7 International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO)
Class 7 English International Olympiad (EIO)
Class 7 National Essay Olympiad (NESO)
Class 7 General Knowledge International Olympiad (GKIO)